Aria Series Wheat Cremation Heart Urn


Aria Series Wheat Cremation Heart Urn.

The Aria urn series features beautiful and detailed hand-engraved brass images and includes the Final Touch Australia’s signature threaded lid for secure closure. The Wheat, Tree of Life and Ascending images are the first designs in this new urn series. The beautifully engraved Wheat design symbolises love, charity and eternity.

Cart Item Total: $154.00


Aria Series Wheat Cremation Heart Urn

Sold individually


Capacities: H0.08L



I took up a handful of grain and let it slip flowing through my fingers, and I said to myself

‘This is what it is all about. Therefore there is no longer any room for pretence and at harvest time the essence is revealed because the straw and chaff are set aside, they have done their job.  The grain alone matters, sacks of pure gold.

So it is when a person dies that the essence of that person is revealed and at the moment of death a person’s character stands out happy for the person who has forged it well over the years. Then it will not be the great achievement that will matter, nor, how much money or possessions a person has amassed.  These like the straw and the chaff, will be left behind.  In fact, it is what he has made of himself that will matter.  Therefore death can take away from us what we have, but it cannot rob us of who we are.

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